Sunday, February 06, 2011

A blizzard of emotions

Maya doing her posing fighting cabin fever (ps she dressed herself)

What a crazy week it has been! I haven’t been able to sleep very well to be honest with you because at my last Drs Appointment the doctor told me that he would check me and see where I am with my progress and see if he could ‘get things started’ boy I didn’t really know what that meant but all week I just kept thinking… hey this weekend we could have a baby b/c he’s going ‘get things started’. Well I went to my doctor’s appointment and he did check me to see where I’m at and he did some irritation of my cervix which was not very pleasant, I must admit, and he said I’m dilated… so YEAH and he said that I’m still a little long but he said that he needs me to ‘start my process a little faster’ then he added, ‘now do I think this will send you into labor, probably not, but it might’ hummm so all I could hear is “hey this could send you into labor” what a cool thing… well the weekend is almost over and Saturday I have to admit I had contractions all day off and on but NOTHING. No baby yet. So where are we now? Well concerns from the Doctor he asked me how big was my biggest baby and I told him 8 lbs (Miss Maya) and he goes, well I want to order and ultrasound for you b/c you are measuring big and to be honest with you with you testing higher for you glucose test we don’t want baby to get too big because right now you are measuring bigger. Soooo… We have an ultrasound scheduled Wednesday… now what does this mean. Well I don’t really know to be honest with you… but maybe something. We talked about induction. He said that he won’t induce before the 18th of Feb!!! But he said that he really wants to see what the ultrasound looks like first because he wants to see how big baby is to see if we need to change some plans… so hopefully. It’s hard to be hopeful when all you want is the freaking baby OUT! I’m so not patient pregnancy was definitely not made for me I’m just way too impatient for all this nonsense.

I went back to read some of my blogs to see if I could find a pattern with my last pregnancies to see if there was a sign of when baby would be coming. I guess I wasn’t that good of a journalist because I didn’t see anything helpful. So I guess I just have to freaking wait… one thing I did notice was that I basically got this impatient with both kids around this time soooo that’s a positive, I think.

So we go back to the doctor on Friday after the ultrasound on Wednesday and pending on what he says I will be forced to walk another weekend pregnant. He’s cooked already dang it come OUT! I know I know patience. My mother in law was saying “when that baby does get hear you really will understand that busy is” I just chuckle when she says things like that. So that’s the baby progress, not much.

So we had a major blizzard around here this week. Tuesday night we got 23 inches of snow it was insane we had a 9 foot drift right outside our door and had to shovel to get outside… which was kind of fun. I went out there and shoveled what I could I took LOTS of breaks. It was exciting let me tell you. On Wednesday we had a snow day mostly because everyone was under so much snow it was crazy. This is the most snow that this area has gotten in over 30 years so at least we didn’t have to hear “well this is Wisconsin” all week because seriously it doesn’t even make any sense and EVERYONE here says it!
I took some pictures and I was getting ready to load them to the computer when I discovered my camera’s battery needed charged… it’s a good thing I wanted to get the pictures off or I wouldn’t have realized that the camera wasn’t going to work so therefore no pictures of peanut when the little Nut does decide to come out. So it was a good thing I decided to update.

I have to tell you this pregnancy is definitely making me MUCH moodier than the girls did. I’m just ready to have a break from work and have this baby out so I can dress him and hug and kiss his little hands and feet… but again. That part isn’t up to me. And I just CAN’T STAND IT! The girls ask me when he’s going to come out and I tell them, I don’t know. I am getting tired of telling people when I’m due and saying “yep I’m ready to have this baby” It’s almost depressing.

But anyways enough whining… I am able to get some pictures off so enjoy from our blizzard.

Snow drifts right outside our door

Veiw from outside the back of the house

View from our front window!

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