Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby News Update!

So its weekly updates now... don't get too used to it b/c it probably won't happen after next week.

So here's the scoop the baby is coming NEXT FRIDAY! He CAN come before but chances of that are pretty unlikely. We had the ultrasound on Wednesday and he is 6 lbs 13 oz but they said that could be up to a pound off either direction so he's the perfect size... if he comes out any smaller than 6 lbs he will be my smallest baby but if he comes out at 7 he will be smack dab in the middle of the girlies. The ultrasound revealed that he is still in fact a boy. That was one of Tait's FIRST questions was if she could double check to ensure that we will be seeing blue and not pink... and she goes "oh yep that's a little boy in there" Then she took her measurements and by the time she got around to checking so I could see he had crossed his legs and wasn't moving... he did the same thing with his little face he put his little hands right up over his face and we couldn't see his face the little rat so it was the same thing that Maya did when we tried to get a look at her too. The Ultrasound went pretty well I think for the most part besides not being able to getting to see his face but she said he looks good, and she said that he moves a lot of as far as long as I told her I knew that because he kicks quite a bit and she goes "well it looks like you have a busy bee on your hands then” So YEAH another one!

So when I went to the doctor he goes "well do you want to schedule an induction on the 18th?" And I said "what about the 14th?" and he goes... "Hum too early you need to be at least 39 weeks and that will be Friday so that would be the earliest” so I said "okay works for me" So there you go. I'm super excited let me tell you it makes it much easier knowing that he's COMING and coming in 5 days!!! I can't wait wait wait I'm sure this week will be the LONGEST week ever but hopefully not. This gives me time to get my very long list of "to dos" at work and get set for him to come. Now sleeping at night because of my excitement is a problem. I wake up and I'm awake for 2 hours at a time because my head won't just let me sleep it's super annoying, but it's just getting me used to when Peanut DOES get here I'll be up anyways so it's all good just getting back in the swing of things. The girls are UBBER excited. We made a paper chain of how many days it would take for him to get here and we got to take some extra days off b/c it's only 5 days now and Lehna was super excited to be able to take them off. It's just really exciting that I know he's coming!

I am a little nervous about being inducted b/c I know that increases the chances of having a c section but from everything I hear from my doctor he doesn't seem too concerned about it. But I think that's just fear b/c of what my old OB would say to me. Everyone that I have told that I have this OB says he's just the best, that's why they have dubbed him the "Mormon" doctor b/c almost all the women in our ward uses him or have had him before. So I feel like I'm in really good hands. He asked me what concerns or questions that I have and he went through what was going to happen and he said by Lunch baby should be here... so there you go. Its sounds so easy. I hope it is!

So this weekend I double checked everything to make sure that I have things ready. I got a bag of clothes from one of the ladies at church which it's older sizes so that's a good thing. I put them all away and I think I'm okay. We didn't bring in the bassinet yet but we may just use the pack n play for awhile until we move him to the crib. We have the bassinet from Tanna upstairs so he will have a place to sleep while Helen watches him during the day. So it's exciting!

We filed our taxes this weekend as well and we don't owe so it was WONDERFUL news! So we went ahead and just sent those through. That will be one less thing to worry about later.

While I'm off work. I hope that I don't go too stir crazy when I'm off. I really do enjoy working but I have to tell you the break sounds SO wonderful. I have a gift certificate to use from the book store so I may order a couple of books and maybe I'll get them read while I'm off when Peanut is sleeping and Maya is busy doing her thing. She's so independent it is fun, of course I'll be taking Lehna to and from school everyday so that will fill in some time. But it should be fun I can't wait. My coworkers are ready for me to go they are fully prepared the lady that is filling in for me as Branch Manager while I'm gone is up to speed as to what goals are and what we are working so that's taken care of.

Tait is going to take off two weeks when baby gets here. He is going to take the first week off when Peanut first gets here then he is planning on taking another week later on. So it should be interesting with it being broken up but I know that at work his nurse is getting ready to go to Hawaii for a couple of weeks so it actually works before for them if he does break up the time.

So I will update again as soon as I can hopefully this isn't the last post for awhile but you never know! Oh and Peanut can ALWAYS come earlier than Friday, I'm just saying.

So keep your fingers crossed for us and hope for a speedy delivery and that everything goes smoothly.

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