Thursday, December 30, 2010

It’s Christmas Time in Wisconsin

Okay so maybe Christmas is over but at least the holiday season isn’t COMPLETELY over with yet. I know I know my updates are near and far between can’t be helped.

Okay so let’s jump right into this shall we! Well I was so excited about being able to spend some holiday time with the kids that I wanted to make sure that I had things planned for them and I to do together… So the first stop was to get something ornaments for the kids to paint… well when I found out that Hobby Lobby either doesn’t have them any more OR they just didn’t have them period that made me get a little bit more creative. So we went to the kids isles and picked up some window catcher and some paint and off home we went. I also stopped at the store to pick up some cookie stuff for the next door.

So on Thursday of Christmas week we painted window catchers which for my girls was actually a successful project. I wasn’t ready to kill anyone while we were doing the project so it was successful. Lehna was in a HUGE hurry to finish her and Maya was patiently working on her and getting her’s just perfect.

Then on Friday we had Tait home so we decided to make some Christmas cookies. I KNEW it was going to be a mess and well it was but it went okay. The girls were well prepared for mess and so was I again no one died so it was successful. The girls were SOOO excited about Santa coming and I have to admit that my kids were HORRIBLE the last couple of weeks and threaten them with “Santa isn’t going to stop” simply was NOT working the way that it SHOULD have worked. So by the time it was time for bed I was ready for them to go to sleep. They were soooo excited and they did their best to stay up for as long as they could. Lehna and Maya finally fell asleep. Santa finished in record time this year… he started at 10 and was finished by 10:15 so it was great. Of course it helped the Santa had wrapped all of the gifts a couple days before so there wasn’t that mess to work on, but it went smoothly. Soon after Santa left we got to sleep. It was a pretty peaceful night until 2:59 and Lehna and Maya BOTH came down and go ‘has Santa been here yet?’ I was thinking “didn’t you have to walk THROUGH the room to come down stairs and you didn’t notice” and Tait calmed asked what time it was and after giving him the time he said “oh no it’s time to Sleep Santa HASN’T been here yet” and since my children have no observation skills they took it and went right to sleep in the guest room. Which I was excited about that and then at 6 am they were both awake and we headed upstairs and let me tell you they were SO excited. We couldn’t get the video camera to work which was disappointing but we still had fun anyways.

The girls were great they opened and destroyed a perfectly organized living room in seconds it was truly great! Afterwards the kids played for a couple of hours and then it was time to pack up the van and head off to Indiana. We went down and had a good time at Grandma Sullivan’s house. It was nice getting to see all of the family there again and playing games with the family. After grandma’s house we went to Marcus and Jackie’s house to spend the night which was very cook that we could spend the night there. The girls loved being able to see their cousins and they were soooo tired that after a few tears they were fast asleep.

Overall it was a great trip to Indiana and Christmas was great. We told the girls that Santa can still come and take back the gifts which is kind of still happening but you know how that goes sometimes… I’m sure it will work for awhile so I’ll enjoy it for what it’s worth.

So peanut update. Time is ticking down so fast it’s amazing!!! I’m super excited that it is don’t get me wrong. I’m still worried about not having some things for the baby like car seat, bottles, and etc but I’m sure that we will get it all worked out before the he makes his appearance. Only 7 weeks to go and he’ll be here.

He loves to kick the heck out of me. When I’ve had anything with sugar or caffeine just looks out b/c he will kick me until he’s done… It’s really been a fun time though I am enjoying myself. I keep telling myself that this is the LAST time for babies to be in me so enjoy it… but it’s hard. Being pregnant just isn’t my favorite thing I know that once he gets here that it will be awesome!

So only 7 more weeks and he’ll make his appearance. If he wants to be early that’s okay too 

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