Thursday, October 25, 2007

Picture Perfect

Well things around our house have been both busy and quiet all at the same time. We are starting now starting to really hit some fall weather which in turn is starting to make the leaves turn the beautiful colors which is VERY exciting. I have three big tall oak trees in my yard so I love the fall b/c it makes them look so beautiful. We are also starting to dress the girls warmer now which is kind of fun and sad all that the same time. I like their fall clothes but I must admit dresses and diapers are MUCH easier then Pants and diapers, but listen to whine.

This past weekend we went to get a couple of things done. First we went and got our family pictures taken. Julie and Dan (we just attending their wedding like 3 weeks ago, pictures are below) they are both photographers and they both helped take our pictures. We went to Happy Hallow Park in Lafayette and it was beautiful there. We got some good shots two shots that I really like that I want to use as our family picture for Christmas cards and some really good pictures of the two girls together that I really like. Lehna was a TOTAL ham (as usual) and they got some really cute pictures of her as well. The dress the Jackie made is Lehna’s FAVORITE dress she calls it her “pretty dress” and she can’t wear it enough. She wears it whenever we let her but if was up to her she would wear it to daycare and around the house. It’s very cute. And luckily that material that Jackie picked for it does very well in the washer and so far any stains Lehna acquires is VERY easy just to treat and wash… and so far they have come out, knock on wood. We got Maya a very pretty red dress for her “pretty dress” it is very cute on her and she liked to play with it b/c it was in two layers so she kept holding the top part up. She’s such a silly kid. She was also very interested in the leaves that were around her, she even tried to eat them, which she didn’t like. We did our family pictures in Purdue attire. Tait is such a big Purdue fan I thought it would be appropriate for us. Helen and Tim found a Purdue Cheerleading outfit for Lehna last year that Lehna has wore a couple of times to the games we attended so she was easy to find something Purdueish. Well Maya on the other hand was a bit more complicated. The problem is most ‘sports’ attire is suited for little boys instead of little girls so when I found this Purdue Onezie I was very excited but that the same time disappointed b/c it was so boyish looking, so I didn’t want people to think we had a little girl and a little boy but instead I have two BEAUTIFUL little Girls I decided to put a big bow in her hair. I thought she looked cute and she didn’t seem to mind it at all. So here’s on of our family pictures and also some pictures of the girls together.

Family Picture

Baby Kiss

Lehna sitting pretty

Maya Looking Cute

After the family pictures we went to Marcus and Jackie’s for FootballPolozia at least I think that’s what it was called. We had a BBQ and we got to watch the Purdue football game. Which Tait enjoyed on a nice big TV, I don’t know the size is but its bigger then ours so he was happy. Terry and Mom came down from Wisconsin so they could see everyone and see the grandbabies. Lehna was only a little afraid of Terry at first but warmed right up to him after about an hour. Maya was good the entire day. She played on the floor and didn’t cry except to eat, which is pretty typical. The food was wonderful. Sarah and Adam came as well so that was nice to see them again. They seemed to enjoy playing with the kids on the floor. I couldn’t believe how interactive they were with the children they just warmed right up to them and starting tickling them and it was nice.

We also played some board games we only played like two games but it was fun. We played this new game call Vision Play or something like that and it was a very interesting game, it was challenging. The object of the game is you have like 12 different dice that have pictures on them and basically you roll all 12 dice and you flip them over and when you uncover them you see how many compound words you can come up with based on the pictures like for example: if there’s a picture of a Bear and a picture of a person’s back you could put it together and say Bareback and that would be one word. It was challenging and I must admit Sarah has QUITE the imagination. It was a good time.

Terry mentioned taking Lehna to the park and Lehna was running faster then I have seen her move to get her shoes on so she could go play at the park. Jackie and Marcus live like 2 blocks away from a school that we took them too. So Lehna went up and down the slide like a BILLION times and we walked back in the dark. It was a good day overall very fun. I enjoyed spending time with my family playing games and of course eating… it would be a family gathering if there wasn’t food. 

On Sunday we had church in the morning which Lehna again insisted on wearing her pretty dress too and since pictures were completed I didn’t have a problem doing that for her. Then in the afternoon Tait and I and the children of course went to Temple Prep classes. We are taking them in order to be sealed in the temple which has always been a goal of mine and so Tait and I are working towards that, but it’s QUITE a process. Basically there are four things that you must be living in order for you to even be eligible to go into the temple and right now… Tait and I are only hitting about half of them… Soooooooo it’s a long process. I’m getting support from Becky who’s a friend of mine from church and work and she’s giving me some words of encouragement so that’s helpful. It will just take time and a commitment from us both, but I know that it’s a wonderful place to be and go we just will have to work on that we just have to keep things in perspective, but enough about church.

So things are well fairly well overall I know Christmas is right around the corner which is scary and exciting all at the same time believe it or not. I love the excitement but the same time all the moving around and shifting is kind of chaotic at the same time. I know that we have had a few people inquire about gifts for the girls and I must say these children need not another toy we have a room packed full of toys but they are lacking in the movie collection realm. Just putting it out there b/c Lehna has started to really get into movies and watch them, thank goodness so now we are watching the same videos over and over. So I’m just putting it out there for you if you wanted to know what to get them, that's what I would suggest.

Okay alright I have rambled on enough. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for reading about us.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hey Steph! Update, Please!!! Haha! I'm sure you're crazy busy. Talk to later!