Saturday, July 08, 2006


Hello Everyone! After a brief period of not updating I have finally got around to updating my blog. Exciting hua. Well things have been busy I just finished my final week of training and I have been assigned to a Lafayette Store. I'm kind of excited about this b/c I hear once you get to these stores they maining just rotate you around in these stores, which is good. So I'm offical now YEAH! And I talked to my new boss and he said that he will be on vacation next week sooooo that means I'll have to shadow the other managers in order to see what to do. I'm not to worried about it to be quite frank with you. Everything else has been crazy.

Lehna has been sick this past week she had a temp of 103.8 and was buring up after she was taken to the doctor she said she had a sinus infection AGAIN. So she's on medication to curb that. She's the big bully in her daycare class she's the oldest one right now they had to move the babies from the nursery up and so that made her class shift, which I'm glad to get rid of the older kids but now worry she is going ot be a big bully to the rest of her class. This of course could me just being a worry wart. She hasn't been bitten nor has she bitten anyone lately so that's a good thing.

Everyday it seems like Lehna is learning something new today I SWORE she said Krogers Tait thinks I'm nuts but of course we couldn't get her to say it again. THE LITTLE RAT! She is also learning new things to say like Belly Button, Dog, Cat, Thank you, No, Yes, Drink, you know all very rough and ragged when she says things but you do have some idea of what she's saying. She's funny though she brings LOTS of entertainment to our lives. She also hates it when the room is all picked up so usually right after we pick up she takes a least 30 mins to get it back to a wreck which doesn't really bother me anymore we just kind of ignore it and step over it. Of course she has learned to put some stuff away if you play like it's a game but she really doesn't understand what the heck we are doing so it's kind a hopeless effort.

This past week we of course celebrated the Fourth of July and at the last mintue we decided to have Tim and Helen come over and so we spent a few hours picking up and shopping to get ready for the holiday gathering. It was good time and I think it was successful we had hot dogs and hamburgers knowing tooooooo exciting but it was fun.

I have to tell you I have the poker bug. Anytime I get a chance I try to play with Tait, now I haven't played on ESPN yet but both Tait and Trent keep asking me if I'd played on there or not and I keep telling them no, b/c I don't want to embarrass them. Of course everytime I play with Tait I ALWAYS win which is fun! I don't know if he just gives up and wants to get the game over quicker or if I'm just better at it... I'm assuming that I'm just good. LOL Of course I'm just kidding. Tait keeps talking about having a Poker night.... I think he's dreaming but whatever I'm up for it if HE wants to plan it.

Well it's offical Tait seriously hates his job. Yikes it's scary sometimes I think he's going ot call me up and tell me he's walking out which I keep telling him that he CANNOT do that but he's looking. It's just stressful and it's really wearing on him, he thought there might be a chance to transfer to another division my it looks like it's not going to happen they decided to give the position to someone else without even asking him... isn't that nice so much for seniority but I'm trying to stay positive b/c he really doesn't need anymore negativity he's got enough for BOTH of us. He even fantasied about going back to Ladoga but after some converstations he decided not to do that... thank the good lord b/c I seriously don't think that I could have witnessed that train wreck.

We are still waiting for Cosmo to make his appearance. I know it's like a little over two months away but I KNOW he's going to come early. Of course I also thought he was going to be a girl so what do I know. I bet Jackie wants me to start calling the stork... I just wish I could see the stork's dayplanner so I can plan accordingly when Cosmo does decide to make his appearance. So we'll see what happens.

I got a evil trick played on me at work that I want to share with you. I was waiting to be told where I was going to be assigned like to which store and finally the zone manager calls and tells me that he has decided where he's going to put me... and I say where well he tells me a horrible store in Indy I mean it's A SCARY store and I was kind of pissed... well I told him that I really didn't want to be placed in Indy b/c it's a pain to drive too well he then puts me in Lafayette.... well a few hours later I get this phone call from the Zone cordinator telling me that Lafayette just didn't work out and they were going to have to put me in the scary store and let me tell you was I PISSED I was ready to call Tait and tell him that this job isn't worth this shit... well I was angry and the zone cordinator told me not to worry and he'd call me back so basically I was like well where does that mean I'm supposed to go to... Wellllll a few minutes later Yvonne came down the aisle with this guy and goes... Stephanie let me introduce you to the zone cordinator and he said his name... and I was just thinking, this isn't the zone cordinator and the guys going.. "I felt soooo bad" and kept going on and on and I still didn't get it. Well then I finally got that it was HIM calling me telling me that I was being transfered and that that really WASN'T happening... So I went from pissed to relieved in like 30 seconds. So it was then time to get even... so I turned her desk around upstairs, taped all of her doors shut, I moved her cart into different aisles every time she left it, AND I taped a BIG sign to her car that said "HONK TWICE IT'S MY 50TH BIRTHDAY!" So we'll see if she noticed. So as you can tell Friday was a VERY productive day for me!

Well this weekend has been CRAZY I photographed a wedding today and tomorrow we are having a family reunion in Williamsport it should be exciting. At least I had ONE more weekend off which was nice. And so far I have only to work on Saturday for next week and it's a DAY shift so that makes me VERY VERY VERY VERY happy! Well that's all I got going on right now I know that it is kind of sucky espically since I haven't written in A LONG LONG LONG LONG time but you know what can I say my life is BORING.


Jacqueline said...

Little over two months to go? What the heck are you trying to do to me, girlie?!!? I've just got little over 5 weeks to go! :) Don't be spreadin' those 2-month lies!! :) (And if I do go over, I know who to blame, chicka!!) :)

P.S. - Does Tait want my job? :)

Stephanie said...

jackie- yeah sorry about that I got confused! Sure u can blame me!

Stephanie said...

Theresa- I;ll email you the store info and those details!!!!!