Thursday, January 26, 2006

News and Views from Me

Hello everyone out there in the computer world. I just wanted to write a little (yeah-right) entry about what’s been going on around our household.

Lehna is growing leaps and bounds and everyday the kid gets STRANGER AND STRANGER. I know most of you know what I’m talking about but for those that don’t let me let you in on what’s going on.

The First thing is we are trying to “discipline” Lehna since she now knows the meaning of ‘no’ and will respond to it. Now the positive this is if you say “no” very loudly she will usually stop just what she’s doing for about 5 seconds THEN the monster will continue to do whatever she’s doing but she will then add a giggle and laugh as she’s continuing the behavior we want her to stop. Now this is quite the dilemma when it involves things like the dog, reaching for things on top of tables, the TV, and etc… you know things she shouldn’t do but continues to do. We have tried smacking her hands, butt, giving her a little jerk (nothing hard just enough to startle), removing her from the source but NOTHING seems to be working. She just thinks it’s a HUGE game and continues the behavior. One example is Lehna LOVES to grab at my face it’s almost a pinch but not quite a pinch well it hurts and frankly she doesn’t need to do this… so I have tried very forcefully telling her no, smacking her hand and butt, but nothing the roar of laugher starts and there’s no stopping it. I know what some of you are thinking… are we laughing or encouraging her in some way that it’s a game… NOPE that’s the thing even if we keep a MEAN face she still thinks it’s a game and still laughs. Usually what I do is put her down and ignore her when she starts it, which is good for right now but still doesn’t solve my overall problem.

The Second thing this STRANGE kid is doing is we are now introducing Lehna to table foods and for her to self-feed. Which Lehna does GREAT with crackers, puffs, toast, even holding her own bottle or cup but as far as anything else… YIKES. Lehna is a very texture sensitive baby. She loves baby food carrots LOVES them she even loves table food carrots but here’s the really odd part is she cannot TOUCH any of these ‘mushing’ textures or she will make herself vomit. I know it’s extreme but it’s true. We have tired all different types of food with her pears, peas, carrots, peaches, anything even bread but this STRANGE kid of mine will simply REFUSE to eat it. Now we have learned that if we simply feed Lehna her food without her EVER touching it she’ll eat great no problem but if we put it on her tray for her to eat she WON’T do it she will touch it and then if she’s had ANYTHING she will vomit she forces herself IT’S HORRIBLE! Now I’ve been talking to Penny and Lehna’s doctor and BOTH “professionals” say they have NEVER heard of this type of behavior with babies and food… now crafts yes but food no. Both of them don’t have any advice for me. The major concern here is since Lehna is so texture sensitive the problem is what will happen when it’s time for Lehna to feed herself I mean don’t get me wrong feeding her is great and everything but there WILL be a time when Lehna will need to take over the rains for her to develop fully so it’s a little concerning. I’m TRULY hoping she grows out of it but time will tell. One thought is that maybe she’s trying to tell us she’s not ready to self-feed but here’s the real kicker she does GREAT when the texture is more solid and when you put stuff in her mouth she tries to grab the spoon a sign she’s ready to eat but she simply doesn’t like mushy stuff. I told you she’s STRANGE!

Well she’s wonderful really just has some odd behaviors so if any of you have advice I would LOVE to hear is b/c simply I just don’t know. Lehna is also walking. I know I know I told you this already but she can now stand up in the middle of the floor to her feet and she’ll take steps usually about three but then she’ll eventually fall. It’s pretty cute and I STILL haven’t been able to catch the RAT on tape yet. I have been trying I just have to be sneaker I guess.

As for the rest of us … well same old same old. I’m still working as a photographer and Tait is still the caseworker. I have really been trying to step up my photography b/c man on man there are sessions that I suck at… there are also sessions that I think I do a GREAT job… unfortunately I have more SUCKY sessions then GREAT sessions. What really busts my buttons is when I do a FABULOUS session and the cheap butts go and use a one pose coupon for 9.99… that really burns me up. But I think it’s b/c we are so FREAKING close to FISHERS AND CARMEL b/c let me tell you those people HAVE money but they sure in heck don’t want to spend it. I try to learn something-new everyday like a different way of posing someone or doing something just a little different in every session to help me and I think I’ve been successful in that. Today I learned a new pose for the newborn babies and was I excited b/c let me tell you I SUCK at them! But anyway enough of the photo talk. Well that’s our life right now… pretty exciting right? Well that’s it that’s all I have I seriously need to get Lehna’s newest pictures up on the web (they are bathtub pictures) THEY ARE SUPER CUTE!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hey girlie!! I would love to hear some of the poses you have learned!! And I can't wait to see new pics of Lehna!! As far as the food goes I;m not sure what to tell you. Aubree has always enjoyed her food so... good luck!! Talk to you soon!!