Sunday, December 18, 2005

A short update…

I wanted to update since I read Jackie’s Blog and I figured that it might cause a few questions and emails so I wanted to fill in everyone the information that I have as of now.

On Saturday at 5 in the morning I woke up to an explosion of pain in my lower ribs region, it felt right about my diaphragm and I went into the living room where Tait was already awake and hit the floor in pain. I was crying and Tait was asking me what he should do and so he called 911. After about 15 mins the first responders came to our house and the pain had lessened quite a bit. They put me on oxygen b/c I was having a tightness in my chest and they weren’t exactly sure what was happening. So instead of taking the ambulance ride I opted to have Tait take me to the ER. Well we made a quick call to Marcus and Jackie so they could come pick up Lehna at the hospital (since they were planning on taking her on Saturday anyway) and I went to the hospital for tests. Well after 4 hours of tests it was decided that I had a gall bladder attack. So what they told me is that I need to go in for an ultrasound on Tuesday to see if I have gall bladder disease. That was “basically” all they told me but that was good enough from me at the time. So they put me on a bland, no spice, no grease diet this weekend and I haven’t had much pain since. They also gave me some POWERFUL pain meds so if I do have any discomfort I can ease the pain away. So I’m hoping that on Tuesday I’ll have more answers. The doctor did say that it is VERY common for women my age that right after the woman has a baby to have this type of gall bladder problem so we’ll see. I’m feeling much better and I have been pretty careful with my diet so you should be proud.

Sunday we watched the heart breaking colt’s game what a sad loss. And we relaxed we did manage to bake the 5 dozen cookies of no bakes that Tait needed for his cookie exchange at work but other than that that was all I did.

This week at work I am supposed to be “trained” to shoot at work so I’m MAJORLY excited about that! I am a little nervous but I think the more I do it the better I’ll get so I have to get over the hump. Work should be better this week since the “holiday” rush is pretty much over tomorrow so that will be WONDERFUL! That will give me enough time to actually “learn” the manager responsibilities. So that should be interesting.

I can’t believe Christmas is NEXT WEEKEND! What in the world where did the time go! I’m excited b/c it’s going to mean LOTS of time with family, my mom is coming down from Wisconsin AND my aunt Sam is coming from Boston so we are going to have a GREAT Christmas! Tait and I still don’t have our plans nailed down yet but once we do it will be crazy I’m sure. But that’s the holiday season. We have gotten a few things for Lehna for Christmas and I have a few things for Tait… Tait said he hasn’t had time to go shopping which is true so he maybe going Christmas Eve… but that’s okay. All right well that’s all I have for this update. I will try to include more information about my test once I know.


Sarah said...

I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. What a scare!! Hope you have a Merry Christmas!!

Stephanie said...

Thanks Sarah! I hope that you also have a good Christmas! I hope you were good... Santa only delivers to good little boys and girls!