Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I've Been Working on the Railroad!

Well okay, it's not the railroad but I have started back to work. My official day back was today and for the most part it hasn't been to bad. I have called the daycare two times to see how things are going there, and Penny (the lady that's with Lehna) is very excited to have her in the class. She has been taking lots of pictures of her which is kind of fun. Things are going pretty well for Lehna and they said that she is a very happy baby with a nice disposition, so I was proud to hear that.

Now I have to send out a MILLION thank-yous to Jackie for keeping new pictures added to the site. I do have some to add and I am going to try to put them on CD tonight. It will just depend on how much time it takes for Tait to wrestle Lehna out of my arms tonight! I know that I haven't been keeping this very updated and I have been slacking A LOT, but it was nice just being with Lehna and taking care of her.

We have had some sad news over my six-week maternity leave. Recently, my stepmother Teresa Marie Knotts passed away quite unexpectedly. She was admitted into the hospital and in less than 24 hours and she passed away. She developed sepsis and it quickly attacked her organs, which then took her life. Teresa was very excited to be a grandmother and had loved being able to see Lehna. Teresa had come to stay with us for about four days after Lehna and I came home from the hospital. I'm glad that Lehna got to have that time with her. She can now tell my dad that she got to hold Lehna on earth, because I know Dad was holding her before she got here. I know that both she and Dad will now get to have the best seats in the house and get to watch Lehna grow up and change.

It's amazing just how precious life is and just how fast life can change and I'm grateful for every day that I am given. It's amazing just how much you can really love your child. I know that I never believed people when they said that they would lie down in front of a car for their children. I know now that with Lehna you really do love your children just that much. Lehna is so wonderful and it really has been amazing watching her change just in the month and a half she's been here. Lehna is already starting to hold her head up. She holds it up and just looks around sometimes I have to remind her that she's just a baby. She also tries to pull herself up when you hold your hands out in front of her she just grabs on and pulls. She’s a very strong little girl.

I think one thing that is really fun is when you give her a bath she kind of scoots away from the water if you add water to the tub or if you use the sprayer (which she hates). I had to find that out the hard way. You can just tell she is just absorbing so many things and is learning so much it's really wonderful. I love taking her outside and just letting her hear the birds and feel the grass. I know that when I take her outside the neighbors come over and talk to us (which are the neighbors I really like, so it's okay). It's just really great... it's hard to believe that she will be walking and talking so soon. Well this is a shorter blog but my first day back has brought lots of work for me so I will update again. Hopefully I'll get the pictures done tonight we'll see... Thanks for reading about us!

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