Well I know that I was really horrible about updating my blog... but we have a new member of the family to add to our blog that I wanted to write about as quickly as I could! Hopefully this will make it up to her for my failure to blog basically nothing about this pregnancy... so I'll write her little birth story.
So this baby really liked to tease me. I thought for certain that I was going to be having this baby on Thanksgiving. I was having lots and lots of contractions and honestly I was really feeling that she was gonna come any time... Well I was wrong. She would give me 3 hours of contractions BUT then they would stop... and then it would start all over a week later... then nothing... So I went to an appointment on December 10th and while we were there I asked very nicely if they could do an induction... Well wouldn't you know it... they were WILLING to do it. They said they would do it FRIDAY! Only 2 days from my appointment... cloud nine I have to tell you.
So I started my maternity leave that day so I could get all of my ends ready to go for Miss Baby to make her appearance! So I was off on Thursday and did a lot of running around... then Friday I was scheduled to go in at 5 pm. Well Friday morning came around and they said can you come in 2 hours earlier... so start at 3 pm. I'm like HECK yeah! So we were in at 3 pm. Well they checked me and I was only at 2 cm! Blah... but the doctor came in at 3:30 and said that they were going to put some internal monitors on me and the baby and they were going to break my water... I'm like seriously... I have only been here a 1/2 hour! So they did all that started my dripping on Pitocin and the wait was on. I was told that I could get the epidural anytime I wanted... so I wanted to wait as long as I possibly could... mainly b/c the week before I went in all the women I know kept telling me about how their epidurals ran out before the baby came and how that was so horrible... so I didn't want that to happen to me. So I waited and waited... well I was told that the doctor could be in in 20 minutes... so just when ever I just needed to call. Well they checked me a 4:30 and I had gone to 4 cm... THAT WAS IT! I'm like holy cow this is going to take all night!!!!
So at 7 pm the contractions were starting to get really painful... so I called for the doctor... and then instead if waiting 20 minutes it took 1 hour before he could be in!!! So that was the longest hour ever!!! They hurt so bad. Then he came in and started getting my all ready and was like "well I'm going to let you have this contraction then we will get started." I'm like seriously... let's get this show on the road. So they started the process... and it was painful... it just felt like he took forever!!! Tait has some marks on his hands from where I was digging my nails into his hand! So they did all that... then they laid me back and said now just relax... you were fighting the contractions and now you're body will be able to do what it needs to do. I'm like okay... so then at 10 pm they checked me and I was at 9 cm and was ready to go. They called the doctor... and she arrived a little before 11 pm. I was already in the "open" position when she came in. It was one of those moments when she makes eye contact with your "you know" and doesn't make any eye contact with you... I'm like "hey lady eyes are up here" So it was 11:30 and it was time to push. This baby came out at 11:44 it only took 3 contractions to get her out... which was 9 pushes, which was hard and horrible... but wonderful b/c I knew she was here.
Well she came out they cleaned her off and she was BLUE and I mean BLUE. So they took her over to the other side of the room to clean her up. She didn't really cry much to be honest with you. and I was worried b/c I could see how blue she was and I was worried she wasn't breathing. Tait stayed at my side the entire time and he watched. Well the placenta didn't want to come out. They had to restart my pitocin to get it to come out... and once it did they were able to get my all stitched up and ready. Well they kept talking about how bruised she was.
Well the baby was still pretty far from me and I could see just how blue she was. Well after 1 1/2 hours they FINALLY let me have her. They said that she was blue from bruising they talking about how far up she was and when she came down she hit my pelvis bone really hard... so that's why she was so bruised. We loved her the moment we saw her blue and all.
Then a little while later the kids came in and was able to see her. Lehna and Maya were so excited to see her and Nikolai wanted NOTHING to do with her. He kept saying "she doesn't like me." and laid on the floor. Well we figure it was b/c she was so blue and he was expecting a pink baby. But by the next day he was all over her.
So she was 8 lbs 2 oz well that's what her birth certificate says... but it turns out she was actually 8 lbs 0.2 oz but the nurse reported it differently at the time of recording or whatever... so she was right around the size of Nikolai and Maya :)
So here are some pictures of our little bundle. We love her and the girls can't get enough of her.
So far she is waiting up the 1st night at home she woke up every 2 hours... last night she woke every 3-4 hours she was only up 3 times total last night.
So we are working on it. She does a LOT of sleeping which is kind of fun we don't see her eyes very often.
She has blood shot eyes and she is still getting less and less blue every day. We just don't want her to be hurt or in any discomfort and so far I think she is doing okay. I remember that Nikolai's head was REALLY bruised when he was born too.
So that is our new baby story. The little doll is fitting in well and we can't wait to watch her grow and develop :)
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