Wednesday, January 01, 2014


So I figured if I was going to update my other blog that I should at least up the the family blog as well.  Holy cow I haven't updated since September.  Yikes.  Okay well September ended, the kids fully adjusted to school.  We found out Maya was having some major issues in school.  Mainly reading, which isn't uncommon for her age group but we found out she was really behind.  Like not able to register on the reading scale.  So since then we have been working with the teachers and she does individual tutoring, group tutoring, and works individually with the teacher.  She has made LEAPS and bounds.  She is now able to register on the scale.  We are still in Kindergarten level but we are making progress.  She has worked hard and I have to say working with her it is getting easy but it's time consuming.  She's also not very patient nor does she want to work on it so it's kind of been a struggle.  I have a feeling it has to do with timing.  I think by the time she gets home and we unwind and such she's just tired.  So we are still working on it.

Nikolai has become quite a little personality.  My favorite thing that he does right now is says his favorite phrase which is "oh darn it" and it's hilarious when he says it.  And he wears his pirate hat.  Yesterday I came in and he was knocking over chairs and I asked what he was doing and he stayed "mommy I'm a pirate"  I said but you could be a good pirate and maybe one that likes to clean up toys and vacuum.  this CLEARLY not part of his plan as he said "no mommy I'm a pirate"  So there you go.

Lehna has made lots of new friends in her school.  We have a couple girls that live right up behind the hill from our house and she really likes having them come down.  It's not quite as bad as it was when lived in Kenosha.  The girls' parents are very aware of making sure they don't come over too much or overstaying their welcome.  So it's kind of nice :)

Work wise.  Well nothing exciting.  I was recognized at work and received a nomination card for all the hard work I do.  So that was kind of exciting.  I'm still working on getting projects but it's a working progress.

November came and went and we ate way to much at Thanksgiving.  It was a quiet Thanksgiving overall.  We had lunch, Tait and I cooked turkey and all the good stuff.  Tait is quite the chef.  He really likes being in the kitchen and offering a helping hand.  It's kind of nice.

December has no come and gone.  We got a lot of our Christmas shopping done early except for a few items.  Which we got the weekend before Christmas and I vow that I won't do that next year.  First of all walmart had next to nothing and it just was difficult finding what I was looking for.  The kids I feel got a good Christmas.  Nikolai got lots of trucks and trains.  And Maya and Lehna got a TON of monster high dolls.  They are really into that right now.

So here we are in January.  We are starting a new year.  As the time goes I have to say that I'm really working on getting back on the workout horse.  As you can see from my other blog.  I'm going to be more honest about my weight and reporting.  Which you know it's hard because I'm also fearful.  But you know I have to face the truth and it's only fair that I take all the world with me.  You know what's strange is the last couple of weeks I really have been facing some past demons and honestly it's getting tiring.  So I have to get over that and move forward.  It's just doubts and worries.  You know the stuff that really can mess you up if you let it.  So from this moment on I'm moving on.  It's time to make them all go away and close them out.  So good bye demons go bother someone else!  So anyway as we move forward with this new year.  Let's hope that we can have a great new year and I reach my goals.  One baby step at a time.  Patience... again haunts me again :(

So until next time.

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