Well so much for keeping this updated. I tell you... It's just one of those things that sits so far back on my back burner that it's damn near off the stove!
Well I feel badly b/c this is a good "journal" for the baby when the baby gets here and this one well... didn't really keep updated... so this will just be a LONG update...
So far things with the pregnancy are soooo normal. I didn't get sick at all this pregnancy I did have some morning sickness feeling but nothing really to get excited about. Then my other "issues" that I had with both children with spotting happened A LONG time with this baby it lasted about once a week for the first 4 months... so now we are almost in month 6 and ith as stopped thank goodness! So I guess this should have been some key points for me... but I'm kind of thick. Sooo This baby revealed in the ultrasound is a BOY! So we will be looking for blue blue blue. I have to admit I was kind of bummed b/c the girls had such cute clothes and I was washing everything and now I'm like "hum" I don't have boy clothes... so Sister Jackie has come and SAVED me! She has let me borrow the first 3 months of clothes she had for her boys so I feel pretty good... I am defintely SET for the first 3 months. I have a TON of onezies I mean I have like those forever! Now clothing like outfits... hum after month 3 I'm kind of like "hum" So as I'm "shopping" the problem is that the clothing right now that is available is for winter size and depending on what "size" baby peanut actually is this time next year it's hard to shop too far ahead... so it looks like I'm going to have to do more shopping for this baby after he gets here. So too bad for me right?
Baby Peanut is moving around and kicking and streching quite a bit this baby I didn't really start feeling "a lot" until I was about 5 months for some reason I kept waiting in month 4 but nothing was really happening, just "little" bumps but now it's full blown kicks they are still pretty random but feeling them and that's all that matters.
Cute story Maya and Lehna came to the ultrasound and when the tech announced that Peanut was a boy my started to Cry... she goes "no mommy you tell that lady that she's supposed to be a sister not a brother" so it was very sweet... then the lady said "look his mouth is moving he's smiling at you" she promptly goes "no I don't want him to smile at me" soooo then she covered her face... Well she is now in a better place she still asks if he's a boy or a girl and when I tell her she goes "okay" but I think once peanut gets here then she'll really get excited. But I know that with her being so baby happy that she will be great when he does finally get here.
Baby is growing and growing and we have had such little issues with this baby it's kind of nice. We have just a few more months to go and with us living here in WI now I can only imagine that even in Feb we'll still have winter... so peanut will be nice and warm in his new sleepers and outfits... since we don't take them anywhere for daycare I am imagining he will spend a LOT of time dressed in sleepers and not much in acutally outfits so we should be okay.
We moved the girls downstairs during the summer and put them across the hall from our room in the basement b/c it was cooler well I told myself that once Lehna starts school they HAVE to go back upstairs... well we are now in Oct and girls are still down stairs... The girls love being together so I'm thinking that for christmas we are going to get bunk beds and take down one of the beds upstairs and combine them together and make the move then. The baby is going to be across the hall from us and the room is pretty much ready, drawers filled, bed up, changing table "almost" fully stocked but we are getting there... I still have some time.
Lehna is really liking school, so far she is doing well. We got kind of a "midterm" and she has some problems with recongizing lower case letters and she has trouble with describing like "short/tall, open/closed" and I don't know if it's just the words she didn't know when they asked her or what... So I don't know very strange b/c normally she can do it... so we have Parent teach conference is in a couple of weeks and we'll see what's changed.
Maya has been staying home we decided kind of last minute that we were going to keep her out one more year and put her in preschool next year. I know that she will be fine once we get her in school she loves nursery and playing and I know that she'll be fine at school too.
Peanut on the other hand I have major concerns b/c he won't have daycare or anything so church nursery will be the first time he will have to be away from us so hopefully that won't be a total mess... but time will tell.
Work is going well. We had some turnover at my office mainly b/c of me wanting them gone so I was able to hire my team from my old office. I know that they are great people and they each bring a new talent to my office so I"m excited. We are growing and growing client by client but it is a lot of work. It defintely takes a lot more than I thought it would and there are days that I put a lot of pressure on myself. And that's mainly where it comes from is self inflicted I just don't want to fail. So right now we are okay, we just need to keep getting better and better... althought part of me can't WAIT for peanut to get here so I can take 8 weeks off! Isn't that just horrible... LOL
Tait is doing really well with his weight loss he has lost 50 lbs since July and is doing great every week. We have stopped going to the gym consistently we go about once a week and I know it's frustrating for Tait, but right now I"m not in weight loss mode I'm in "let me sit here awhile" mode... which I know I'll pay for later. But once this baby gets here you can BET I"m going to be out working out and going to the gym and hopefully getting back where I need to be... I really want to get focused on the goal and get it going.
So that's life right now... Busy Busy we do stuff pretty much every weekend but it's good. Can't complain too loudly!