Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Post

It’s time for another Update! So I went on to so I could upload my blog over the past 5 years and get everything in one shot… Well up loaded it and it is 350 pages! Yeah I don’t think I want to pay for a book that big… So I’m going to have to hack it down and delete some things to revamp it… so it’s all saved and bound very safely together. But I’ll work on that… hopefully in the next 5 years I’ll get it all done. I’m giving myself a large time frame, b/c I know what a procrastinator I can be.

So I have started a fitness competition at work. It’s a 14 week competition and it’s based on percentage. I have been trying to loose weight for the last couple of weeks but I haven’t been working on my diet at all so now it’s time to start working on my diet so I can win. It’s pretty exciting I know, but I’m trying to loose freaking weight so this should be fun. Well at least I’m hoping that by have people around me all trying to loose weight that that would help with having constant distractions of cookies and candy being brought into work. We have been working out at least 4 times a week so that’s a good thing, we are trying to vamp it up more to 6 times a week but we do get busy so we’ll see what happens.

So this weekend the rex plex had a huge open skate thing for like 2 hours on Saturday complete with a inflatable jumping castle soooo, never have ice skating before I thought it would be a good thing to try at least once. Tait I have to say was NOT excited about the new try but heck you only live once right. So we went and paid for skates and went up and got ready to skate our little hearts out. Now Lehna has done this before b/c in her preschool they take them once a month ice skating during her school so she kind of knew the in and outs of ice skating of where to go and all that jazz… So we stood in line got our skates and got ready to skate. Lehna was right off the back skating by herself; she was a little shy but not bad. Maya kept a hold of my hand and tried to skate, she did a lot of falling at first but soon she was addicted and didn’t want to stop, even when mom was down for the count. Tait was pretty funny. He didn’t think his skates were tight enough b/c he said he could feel his ankles turning as he tried to skate, but he hung onto the walls and tried the best he could. I had to stop and retie my skates SEVERAL times b/c the laces were constantly getting loose. Finally about a ½ hour left we went over to get some free lessons in the other arena and the instructor asked if I had ever done it before and I told her know, I think she could tell by the fear in my eyes and she took like Maya’s hands and lead her out onto the ice. So we were in the lesson rink and the teacher handed Maya a bucket and I kind of “road” with her, you know to help her, yeah right, and she soon took off right from underneath me. She was all over the rink with the bucket and was skating around laughing having a good time. One of the instructors came over to me and said to march with my place and place my hands out straight… so I tired… LOL this is where I went wrong… I ended up flat on my arse. It was hilarious it was the first time that I actually fell completely to my butt, usually I fall but not all the way done just to my knee so then getting up was another story. I asked Maya to come over and bring the bucket so I could use it to get up, the little rat came over to me laughed and skated away. Tait just laughed as he watched the whole thing. It was a good time. I think I would like to take lessons. Maya can start having the “tot and me classes” in March so I think April is when we will sign up until then we’ll just have to go during open skate and leave it at that.
Well that’s pretty much what’s been going on around here. We have been pretty busy with working out and trying new things. The girls are pretty happy about having memberships to the Rex Plex b/c they get to swim every time we work out.

I am happy to say that we finally got the computer from Kris so now we have a computer at home again yeah! So hopefully I’ll find my computer camera cord and be able to upload pictures soon! It’s nice not having to always rely on my work computer.

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