Saturday, October 10, 2009

News and Information

Well as I was sitting at my computer with the girls we had two flocks of geese fly over us. And after Lehna let go of my arm I was able to point to them and say “they are geese flying south for the winter.” And then a brief lesson about why they do this… not long to be followed but a section of the same geese flying back over us in the wrong direction. So we watched and laughed and I have fully accepted that fall is HERE. I like Fall I like the in-between seasons, fall and spring are my favorite holidays I love the changing of the seasons and this is just one of those times that I enjoy. Around here it’s about 10 degrees colder then what I’m used to so as the kids across the street are decked in only sweat shirts I have my kiddos bundled up in heavy coats and gloves. I’m sure this time next year we will be ol’ pros and this kind of weather will just brush off of us. I’m kind of excited about winter in Wisconsin believe it or not, I like snow and I love wearing layers so a perfect combination. They were talking about snow flurries this weekend so that should be fun. 1st snow in October yeah!

Work has been kind of slow believe it or not. We had two weeks in September that I thought I was going to lose it but it has been much better since then. The girls have really taken to spending more time with Tait, and honestly it has been nice b/c when I come home they aren’t like swarming bumble bees. I think that I have my crew trained now to where I feel really good about leaving them alone. I still feel like I should be around but I am starting to leave earlier now and working more of a 42 hour week instead of a 55 hour week so that’s progress. We are supposed to get busy again in a couple of weeks so I’m just kind of enjoying the “down” and then hopefully we’ll be ready for the up again. I HOPE.
I have made some changes to myself. I decided to continue to eat smarter and since I spend most of my time at work my snacking has been greatly reduced to nothing and I have actually lost more weight. I’m at my smallest point so that’s a positive. I still have about 60 lbs before I hit my target but that’s better than 85 so I’m happy with that. I just can’t’ mess it up when the freaking holidays come around. I have also gone with a brand new hair style. I have always wanted to die my hair and I did. I picked a red copper and it really looks nice on my, I have a short angle do that takes no work in the morning and it looks super cute.
A couple of changes around here. Our house that we have been living at has sold. So in a couple of weeks we will be moving. The idea of moving doesn’t really appeal at ALL to me I might add but we have a house and we will be moving in two weekends and I’m getting excited about having a house that WON’T have showings. It’s a smaller house we have really been blessed to live in this house but at the same time I know that it’s a blessing to the home owners to see it being sold. We found a house in Kenosha and will be moving there. I’m kind of excited about moving to Kenosha actually b/c in Kenosha they have PreK so Lehna will be able to go to school. We have her enrolled in preschool right now but I really enjoy the fact that soon I won’t have to pay a weekly charge for Preschool instead it will be free YEAH! The school she’ll be attending is right down the street so I’m even more excited about that.
Some more exciting news is Tait and I am working towards our endowments so our family can be sealed for all eternity. It has been something that I have always wanted for my family and with this year being such a horrible challenge I have really seen what amazing strengths I see in my marriage and family and I know that we are am making the right choice for our family. I don’t have a date yet but one will soon follow.
So with that, that’s what is happening in our life right now. Trying to get ready for the big move, Christmas is right around the corner, and enjoying me. Who could ask for anything more

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