Friday, September 01, 2006

Another Update

Hey world. Here's another Update! Exciting hua! Well I just wanted to let everyone know what's going on in the Wagner World. Tait is feeling much better. He is still kind of ouchy but better. He is going to go back to work on Monday and he says he's ready to go back to work so you can tell that being home must be driving him crazy. He did manage to order the new ESPN packet for the Fall so now we will get ALL the college football games... YEAH FOR ME! Just kidding honey you can watch them! This weekend we have another packed weekend. We have Purdue football tomorrow afternoon/morning so that will be fun tailgating and getting into the fun fall seasono again! I love to tailgate. I am afraid that the season tickets which is what we normally get we didn't this year which will be sad but we are okay. Let me see what else. OH on Sunday Ms. Jackie and baby Zachy pooh are going to take Lehna Belle to get their pictures taken... I say utter caious... but we'll see. So hopefully that will be fun. Then after that we are going to do some SHOPPING so you can't go wrong there right?

Well let me see what else. Oh I need to clean my house Tait said he was going to clean today so the jury is still out on that. I can't wait to go tailgating tomorrow it's going to be so fun.

well I think this is a short update but that's all I got.

Talk to you later.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm so relieved that Tait is feeling better. Poor guy.

Have fun this weekend taligating and all. I wanna see the pictures!!