Friday, May 12, 2006

So I'm averaging about a post a month... YIKES!

So I maybe lacking a little in the posting world but I can't help it I'M BUSY! So what's new around here. Welllllllll....

Lehna has decided that hitting is REALLY fun and FUNNY when mom tells me to stop.
She has also decided that climbing on the couch is the BEST thing in the world.
She's also addicted to the kitchen for some reason... it's her favorite room, I'm not quite sure why since I'M never in there. HUMMMM maybe there's something to that. She also finds that pulling every Kleenex out of the box is a GREAT GAME! Lehna also enjoys biting and eating dog food. YUCK! She has also decided that when we are in the car on the way home from daycare it IS her snack time so you'd better come prepared or you'll hear about it the whole trip home. She's also attached to my hip it's hard from me to even leave the room for 15 seconds before she's whining to go with me.

So needless to say I have a typical toddler...

AS for recent photos... hummmm I have a few problems with that my computer refuses to talk to my digital camera and I'm not currently using film cameras.... soooo now film to develop... so maybe one day you'll get to see pictures. Don't hold your breath of course. I wouldn't.

Lehna is really doing great by the way sure she has her moments when I want to sell her to a circus but for the most part she's fine. It's funny b/c the other day at daycare a simple comment changed the rest of the day for me.

I was talking with Penny at daycare about Lehna hitting other kids. This week Lehna hit another student REPEATILY I might add and the kid turned around and bite Lehna. So I was talking to Penny about Lehna HITTING and how that I wanted her put in time out to help curb her hitting and to help her avoid getting bite again. Welllllll it just so happened that Debbie the director of the daycare asked Penny if she had her me mention anything about the bite or if I had complained or anything of that nature... WEll Penny mentioned that I was concerned about her hitting since it got her bite this week... well Lana Lehna's teacher was listening in on the conversation and Debbie told Lana to call me to talk to me about the biting incident since I was upset about Lehna's bite. Soooooo Lana called me and asked if I was okay since she had heard that I was crying and was upset this morning about Lehna getting bite at daycare... I was like... "What?" So everything was straightened out but it was funny how a simple comment was changed into me crying and was upset...

Everything else life wise is pretty good. I'm still in training sooooo I still don't really "know" what my job is yet... I won't hit that for another 2-3 weeks. I have meat training next week... YEAH! Actually not so much, deli and bakery was actually fun bakery was a LOT of fun deli not so much I think it was the hair nets... But so far so good. Just learning little bits and pieces everyday...

Well that's all I got for now...

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