Sunday, March 05, 2006

Another Update of Changes

Here are some Changes! Well the Number One change is... I am starting a NEW job tomorrow! Yeah I know I have liked changed jobs like 50 MILLION times but this is going to be a NEW adventure. I was offered a position to be a costore manager for Krogers.... AND it will be new my home! YEAH no more driving 60 miles everyday to work... well not at the beginning of course... but when I'm finished with training I'll be close to home. I am not 100% about the specifics until my first day then I hope to recieve a full schedule of the next 18 weeks of training yep that's right EIGHTEEN WEEKS of training... that's a LONG time! But it should be interesting and exciting I guess. I was sad to leave the photo studio because we had a GREAT new manager and it was really hard to leave her but after some thought and some discussion with Tait we decided that it would be best. So that's where I'll be on Monday morning!

Lehna is still walking better and better everyday and I have turned her car seat around early but her legs were really starting to get cramped being backward... so I broke the rules a little but I figured what the heck is 27 days early anyways... Yep that's right Lehna will be 1 year old the end of this month. Tait loves to remind me of the count down... of course is just makes me sad :( to think about. I haven't really decided what we are going to do about her birthday party. I think something small is what we are going to do. I am not sure on details but I know that I will figure something out by then. Lehna of course doesn't care but I think it will be fun.

Well I know this is short but Lehna is awful whinny at the moment so I am going to see if I can take care of that.

Thanks for reading about us.

More Later.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congrats on the new job!!